
Google Adsense被停用之无效活动申诉

从来都没有想到,我的个人站点竟然被Google Adsense【K】了!好吧,我当然没有进行任何违规操作,所以,我决定我要写【无效活动申诉】!

首先,我的Google Adsense账号由北京时间2018年9月10日获得批准,然而停用时间为2019年2月15日,这五个多月,我的金额不足2美元。

其次,我申请Google Adsense账号获得批准后,第一时间去观摩“我们的合作规范”,再而就用搜索引擎搜索相关信息,以防出现问题。我可以保证,我只有在获得审批后一周内,然后不小心点到广告,后来再也没有点击,也通知朋友、好友们不去点击。当然,那次不小心的点击并没有受到影响,我相信Google 是公正的。

Google Adsense被停用之无效活动申诉

再次,我的Google Adsense账号有三个服务,分别是:链接广告(我个人添加在标题下方)、自动广告(由Google相关程序所生成)、搜索引擎广告(虽然是个人申请,考虑我身处中国,对我没有任何作用,没有启用)。另外,还有一个“实验室功能”。我曾经查过资料,链接广告是“点击-进入网页-点击广告”才属于恶意点击,然后对此,我也没有点击过。

因为,我登记Google账号是由Microsoft公司提供,所以我对广告十分小心,每天都会进入Google AdSense页面多次,经常检查“违规记录”(如果没错的话,在2019年2月15日的时候,我也没有任何违规记录,但是意外却发生在2019年2月15日23:24)。








5.在前面,我也说明了我是中国人,我的国家对贵公司、贵站进行“隔离”。所以,我身为站长的我是经常利用VPN进入Google Adsense,这或许贵小组与AI产品对我与我的站点有不好的评价。

6.在我网站上,不仅有Google Adsense的gtag.js也有中国百度的hm.js,这两个都是有关统计的JS代码。在2019年2月15日的时候,我发现贵公司的IP(、、、 大量访问我的站点。IP地址由百度统计提供,IP归属由cn.bing.com 搜索 | tool.chinaz.com提供。)是否正因为此,贵小组对于我Adsense账户发现了无效活动?


点击自己的网站、YouTube 频道或应用中的广告
一位或多位用户重复点击您的网站、YouTube 频道或应用中的广告
鼓励用户通过广告互动来支持您的网站、YouTube 频道或应用

  • 关于【点击自己的网站、YouTube 频道或应用中的广告】,我可以保证除了第一次不小心点到(文中有提到),后来再也没有点击过广告,也不愿意点击,毕竟我们都是诚实守信的人。
  • 关于【一位或多位用户重复点击您的网站、YouTube 频道或应用中的广告】,在账号被停用前三个小时,我在Adsense没有发现广告被点击。
  • 关于【产生或接收自动流量或漫游器流量】,五个多月不足2美元的收入,可想而知并没有使用产生或接收自动流量或漫游器流量。
  • 关于【使用利诱性质的流量来源】,我的网站为中文网,我所有流量都是自然流量,我的外链非常少。
  • 关于【鼓励用户通过广告互动来支持您的网站、YouTube 频道或应用】,我的网站相对来说比较整洁,并没有鼓励用户通过广告互动来支持我的网站。
  • 关于【广告展示位置对用户具有欺骗性或者会产生误点击】,在文中也有说明:“链接广告在标题下方”、“自动广告由贵公司提供”、“搜索引擎并没有使用”,而且我从来没有违规记录。所以我没有使用利诱性质的流量来源。
  • 关于【将广告嵌入应用中】,并没有此产品。
  • 关于【其他违法Google Adsense规范】,我承诺我并没有做出违反Google Adsense规范的事情,且既没有该思想也没有该精力,也从来没有让亲朋好友去点击网站内的广告。



First of all, my Google AdSense account was approved by September 10, 2018, Beijing time, but the deactivation time is February 15, 2019, these five months, my amount is less than 2 dollars.

Second, I apply for Google AdSense account approval, the first time to observe the "Our cooperation norms", and then use search engines to search for relevant information, in case of problems. I can guarantee that I will only be able to get approval within a week, and then accidentally point to the ad, and then never click, also notify friends, friends do not click. Of course, that careless click was not affected, and I believe Google is just.

Again, my Google AdSense account has three services, namely: Link ads (I personally add under the title), automatic advertising (generated by Google related programs), search engine ads (although it is a personal application, consider that I am in China, do not have any effect on me, did not enable). In addition, there is a "lab function". I have checked the information, the link ad is "click-Go to the Web-click Ads" is a malicious click, and then I have not clicked on this.

Because, I registered Google accounts provided by Microsoft, so I am very careful about advertising, every day to enter the Google AdSense page many times, often check the "violation record" (if correct, on the February 15, 2019, I did not have any record of violations, But the accident happened 23:24 on February 15, 2019).

I am very surprised at this!

At the beginning, I also said, five months income less than 2 dollars, how little, less income, how can it be deactivated because of invalid traffic?

(The following is the body, please note!) )

  1. If I remember correctly, a total of three hits were generated this week: 2 occurred on February 12, 2019, linked ads, earning about 0.3 dollars, which is how little revenue; 1 times occurred on February 14, 2019, automatic advertising, 0.07 dollars. (The main reason, of course, is the diversity of my blog content), but it also shows one thing: No one is going to buy an income that doesn't even have a bottle of water, but ask someone, a friend, or pay to sell traffic for a malicious click or swipe.
  2. If you look at my account in the background, you will certainly find that it is generally a few days in a row "every thousand Impressions: 0 Dollars", "click: 0 Times", which shows that I will not click on ads at all, and will not have any impact on Google and Google partners. Although, you will give me a little "dust" like income.
  3. Of course, in Google's "Our cooperation Code" has a "malicious display" of this article. However, as a content producer, blogger, I entered my personal website to write, check other pages whether there are errors is my obligation. I certainly believe that Google should be kind to a serious, friendly content producer.
  4. Although, I did not "malicious display" but I these days, but I want to change the CSS style for my wordpress, do a theme, so this time sometimes there will be a long time to stay a Web page or uninterrupted page change. Of course, this can be seen in the records of my Google search engine (because, I've been searching for content about WordPress topics).
  5. In front, I also explained that I am Chinese, my country to your company, your station for "isolation." So, as a webmaster, I often use VPN to enter Google Adsense, which may be your group and AI products on me and my site have a bad evaluation.
  6. On my website, not only Google AdSense's gtag.js also has the hm.js of Baidu in China, both of which are JS codes about statistics. On February 15, 2019, I found that your company's IP (,,, a large number of visits to my site. IP address provided by Baidu statistics, IP attribution by cn.bing.com search | Provided by Tool.chinaz.com. ) is it because of this that your team has found invalid activity for my AdSense account?
  7. Common reasons why AdSense accounts are deactivated due to invalid traffic:

Tap ads in your website, YouTube channel, or app

One or more users repeatedly click on ads in your website, YouTube channel, or app

Generate or receive automatic traffic or rover traffic

Use of the inducement nature of the flow source

Manipulate AD Delivery Methods

Encourage users to support your site, YouTube channels, or apps with ad interactions

Ad placement is deceptive to the user or can result in a false click

Embed ads in your app

  •  About "Clicking on your own website, YouTube channel or ads in your app", I can guarantee that in addition to the first carelessness to (mentioned in the text), and then never clicked on ads, and do not want to click, after all, we are honest and trustworthy people.
  •  About "one or more users repeatedly click on your website, YouTube channel or ads in the app", three hours before the account was deactivated, I didn't find the ad clicked on AdSense.
  •  For "Generate or receive automatic traffic or rover traffic", five months less than 2 dollars of revenue, it is conceivable that there is no use to generate or receive automatic traffic or rover traffic.
  •  About "Using the inducement of the nature of the flow source", my site for the Chinese network, all my traffic is natural flow, my outer chain is very few.
  •  With regard to "encouraging users to support your website, YouTube channels or apps through ad interactions", my site is relatively neat and does not encourage users to support my site through ad interactions.
  •  About "ad placement is deceptive to the user or will result in a false click", which is also stated in the text: "Link ads under the title", "automatic advertising provided by your company", "search engine is not used", and I have never recorded violations. So I didn't use the inducement nature of the traffic source.
  •  About "embedding ads in apps" and there is no such product.

With regard to the "other illegal Google AdSense specification", I promise that I have not done anything to violate the Google AdSense specification, and that I have neither the idea nor the energy nor the effort to let friends and family click on the ads in the site.